26 март 2014 София
На 26 март 2014 г. ще се проведе Форум на рекламата 2014, организиран от Българската асоциация на комуникационните агенции. Осемнадесетото издание на събитието ще се състои в Sofia Event Center (Paradise Center, бул. Черни връх 100). Очаквайте скоро подробности за събитието!



09:00 – 10:00
Регистрация на участниците 

10:00 – 10:10
Откриване на Форума
Красимир Гергов
Българска асоциация на комуникационните агенции

10:10 – 10:20
Young Lions Bulgaria 2014 – Film 
Награждаване на победителите в конкурса
Наградата ще бъде връчена от Йорданка Фандъкова, кмет на Столична община.

В подкрепа на:

10:20 – 10:35
Туристически маркетинг на София
д-р Тодор Чобанов
Столична община

10:35 – 10:50
София 2019: Повече място за изкуство
Светлана Ломева
Асоциация за развитие на София

10:50 – 11:10
2013 – Време ли е …?
Иво Цеков
Пиеро97 МА

свали презентацията

11:10 – 11:40
Тук и сега. bTV Media Group.
Маргарита Александрова
Венелин Петков
bTV Media Group

виж презентацията

11:40 – 12:10
кафе пауза

12:10 – 12:30
The EFFIE effect
Грета Колева
Graffiti BBDO

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12:30 – 13:15
The strategy behind
Мартин Димитров

13:15 – 14:00
„Бон апети с bTV“ – обедна почивка

14:00 – 14:45
Lions talk
The Ogilvy & Inspire Series Returns with Iconic Architect Rem Koolhaas* 
Rem Koolhaas (Architect, Professor in the Practice of Architecture and Urban Design – Harvard University)
Introduced by:
Tham Khai Meng (Worldwide Chief Creative Officer – Ogilvy & Mather)

The Ogilvy & Inspire lecture series is an annual showcase for the most inspirational figures and brilliant minds of our age. These lectures help us unravel inspiration and grapple with its unruly impact.
Ogilvy & Mather kicked off the series with an address from Sir Ken Robinson, who spoke about creativity as an ever-present and eternal human force, one we can learn to find within ourselves and draw out of our fellows. Last year, noted philosopher and author Alain de Botton asked the audience to rethink not just their work and creativity itself, but also the basic values underpinning what we sell and why we sell it.
This year, iconic and iconoclastic architect Rem Koolhaas will deliver the third annual Ogilvy & Inspire address. His remarks will examine how function and human activities help define the world of design, and he will continue his lifelong practice of analysing the theory behind design and architecture as he practices and pushes the boundaries of those arts.

14:45 – 15:10
Потребителски ценности и комуникации
Юлиан Добрев
свали презентацията

15:10 – 15:55
Lions talk
Taking Moonshots, Telling Stories*
Astro Teller (Captain of Moonshots – Google)

Moonshots are seemingly impossible and yet impossibly important ideas that through science, technology and creativity can be brought to reality. Google[x] is a moonshot factory full of optimists who are focused on changing the world by seeking out massive unsolved problems that, when solved, will profoundly and positively alter the way we live. You may have heard of self-driving cars and Google Glass. In this session, Astro Teller, Captain of Moonshots, will give a glimpse of the ethos, people and approach behind Google[x], and invite you all to be moonshot thinkers.

15:55 – 16:20
кафе пауза

16:20 – 17:05
Lions talk
Creativity at Scale*
David Droga (Founder, Creative Chairman – Droga5)
Mark D’Arcy (Director of Global Creative Solutions – Facebook)
Andrew Bosworth (Director of Engineering – Facebook)

60 years after the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity started, what now constitutes a big idea? Which mediums and platforms are really changing the world, and what makes the companies who are building them different? Join Facebook’s Head Creative, Mark D’Arcy, Droga 5’s Founder and Chairman, David Droga, and Facebook’s Director of Engineering, Andrew „Boz“ Bosworth as they discuss how Silicon Valley and Madison Avenue value and view creativity and what they can possibly can learn from each other.

17:05 – 18:00
Представяне на наградените реклами от фестивала Cannes Lions 2013

*Ексклузивни прожекции на три от най-забележителните лекции от рекламния фестивал в Кан през 2013 г.

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